Barrett,  Burkhart,  Butcher,  Renee's side,  Stories,  Wisley

Barrett Girls – Summer 1929

In this old photo, the Barrett sisters are standing in front of the family Model A Ford.  I believe, it is either a 1928 or a 1929 model.  My mom, Marjorie, was the oldest and she lost the sister next to her, Eula, in 1931 to pneumonia.  Mom said, they had all been sick and all four girls were in the same bed but Eula never recovered.  Eula had been born in her parents car so I am assuming they had previously owned a Model T Ford since Eula had was born in November 1923.

In the photo with the Model A, from left to right, Wilma, Eula, and Marjorie holding Louise.

Family Chart 


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